Monday, June 15, 2020

Why I Can't Hook the Fish? - Day 2 Yakuza 0

Day 2 of playing Yakuza 0 on Playstation 4. Playing as Goro Majima, an awesome and cool protagonist character on a mission in red light district, Sotenbori, Japan. 

So, after live stream for nearly 5 hours of Ryu Ga Gotoku 0 gameplay. I, playing as Majima, just finished another Substories mission, Errands on the Run, after delivering Absorbent Sheet and had another boss fight pitting against Tomo on Sotenbori Footpath. 

Why I Can't Hook the Fish? 
Then I stumbled on an Easy Starter fishing rod facing the river on Sotenbori Footpath. I was curious and had a go at fishing by following the Basic Controls instructions. After a few attempts, I managed to aim the red cursor accurately on the fish but for some reason it couldn't hook onto the fishing rod. Did I miss anything after a few attempts? 

Watch it here on why I cant hook fish yakuza 0

How Awesome is Majima Breaker Style?
During the main story, Majima encounters groups of youth people on the Iwao Bridge. Coincidently Majima also met the old man Komeki, his martial art mentor, whom encourage him to observe this "breaking dance" battle. Thereafter, the youth in the red jacket inspired a new style on Majima's future battle which now known as the Breaker Style. 

Thank you for reading. Share this post so that it may benefit others. 

Miss the stream? You can watch it here:

1 comment:

  1. So, after nearly 5 hours of Ryu Ga Gotoku 0 gameplay live streaming. I just finished another Substories mission, Errands on the Run, as Majima, after delivering Absorbent Sheet and having another boss fight against Tomo on Sotenbori Footpath. majima jacket
