Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How to Obtain Sting in the Tale Trophy? - Day 5 Assassin's Creed Origins DLC Curse of the Pharaohs

Day 5 of playing the Assassin's Creed Origins DLC Curse of the Pharaohs. In today's stream, we're going to grind for the last two trophies;  Higher Power and Sting In The Tale. 

How to Obtain the Higher Power Trophy? 
In this stream, Bayek is already halfway through level 54. Grinding for the Side Quests and loot treasures at the bandit's camp should level up at maximum of 55. Using Assassination XP, Chain Assassination and Stealth Kill Streak abilities in these camps allows him to get those extra XPs. Eventually acquiring the silver trophy of Higher Power. 

How to Obtain Sting in the Tale Trophy?
In the previous live streams of AC Origins DLC Curse of the Pharaohs. We have taken down two serqet locations in Aaru and Aten. So, there are three remaining locations at Duat Afterlife inside Tutankhamun tomb, Heb Sed Afterlife inside Ramesses tomb and Spring of Serqet in Waset Desert to be completed in this stream.  Approaching the remaining three locations of serqet (the poisonous scorpions) with Bayek at level 55 using the upgraded level 45 legendary Smoke and Screen predator bow. Aiming at the head of the scorpions would deal high damage and through repetition. The scorpions would eventually get beaten. Hence, acquiring the gold trophy of Sting in the Tale.

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Watch the full stream here: 

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