Saturday, September 28, 2019

E7 Cowin Headphones - Nice Job in Noise-Cancelling!

Hello everyone, 

Here's a quick summary on what you'll get in E7 Cowin Headphones

Picture is taken from

  1. Cowin E-7 Active Noise Cancelling Bluetooth Headphone
  2. Micro USB Cable
  3. 3.5mm Audio Cable
  4. User Guide
You can read the full review with specifications at the Amazon site. The price is at $49.99 at Amazon

Friday, September 27, 2019

Spider-Man PS4 NG+ Walkthrough - Part 8

And the Award Goes to...

Peter Parker rushes to meet up with Mary Jane Watson at the ceremony for Jefferson Davis. Jefferson arrives with his family, entailing of his wife, Rio Morales, and his son, Miles Morales. Norman Osborn presents him with his medal and is pulled away quickly for a phone call, and then Jefferson has his chance to speak. At the conclusion of his speech, Peter's Spider-Sense goes off.

A scene of Peter anxiously searching the crowd for dangers, discovering that Martin Li and the Inner Demons have arrived, surrounding the pavilion and powering up their "negative" powers. On stage, it appears the Deputy Mayor is one of them as well. All of them are wearing explosives strapped to their chests. While one of them manages to detonate his explosive at the edge of the crowd, the Deputy Mayor tries to do so on the podium, but Jefferson intercepts him right before his bomb goes off.

Blackness sets in, and then Miles is being dragged away to safety, his mother following. Peter is laid down nearby with Mary Jane worrying over him. As Miles regains consciousness, his mother decides to go and find Jefferson. Peter remains knocked out nearby.

At this point, Miles regains his feet to search for his parents. He finds his mother fairly quickly, lifting debris off so EMTs can tend to her, then to go further inside the destruction. He finally finds his way to the now-secluded podium where the Inner Demons are. Failing to take one of them by surprise, he is nearly killed, until Li calls them off. As they leave, Miles finds his father, dead.

One week later a funeral is held, and Miles, his mother, Peter, Mary Jane, and Captain Watanabe all attend. Peter tries to console Miles after, but his words fall on deaf ears.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Spider-Man PS4 NG+ Walkthrough - Part 7

Marvel's Spider-Man Part 7 Missions:


The Web-Head receives a call from a blocked number. That unknown caller turns-out to be Felicia Hardy, also known as the Black Cat, taunting Spider-Man to catch her by coming to a specific address. Upon arrival, he finds a tape recorder and a message, along with a tripod-mounted camera. Looking through it, he finds one of her Black Cat RFID harvesters and is quick to warn Yuriko Watanabe that the Cat is back.
From here out, player can track down the Black Cat statues to uncover her mystery and unlock a custom suit. 

Couch Surfing

Aunt May calls Peter Parker, as he forgot about their dinner date, and he reveals to her that the lab lost funding and he was evicted from his apartment. She offers her couch at her office in the F.E.A.S.T. shelter. Once he arrives, Peter quickly falls asleep.
He finds Aunt May at her desk in the morning, and she has left him an envelope of cash for assistance. Martin Li interrupts their conversation to announce that he is leaving town and put her in charge until he returns. Peter also receives a call from Mary Jane Watson about an award Jefferson Davis is due to receive from Norman Osborn, inviting Peter to come to the ceremony.

Straw, Meet Camel
Jefferson Davis calls Spider-Man to let him know the Inner Demons clan have been spotted near property assets owned by Wilson Fisk. Though he cannot check it out due to his upcoming awards ceremony, he hopes the Web-Head can do so. When he arrives, he finds that the Demons are eliminating Fisk's thugs and taking over.
When player are initially successful in thwarting some of these attempts in the building, Spider-Man webs up one of Fisk's thugs to discover what is going on. The thug receives a call from Fisk himself, interrupted by the Web-Head whom tries to get information as to who the leader of the Demons is. Fisk responds that he might tell him, should Spider-Man manage to keep his men alive. Fisk hangs up just as a helicopter arrives on top of the construction building, and Spider-Man resumes his rescue attempts. Part of his mission is to save six men, all at different levels of the construction building. In one location, on the upper bridge, the Demon Brute is introduced.
Once clear, player swing his way to the roof, where the helicopter evacuates the last of the Demons. He attempts to stop them with his webbing, but hampen loose with a rocket, knocking the nearby crane to the bystanders far below. Players must web the crane before it reaches the ground, then chase the helicopter as it flies through the city. After dodging rockets and catching up, players attempt to web themselves up to the machinery the helicopter is towing, but it is smashed into the building. Players then find themselves inside, with the helicopter waiting at the other end. They must make their way to it while dodging the rockets it fires. After throwing one of the men outside, the helicopter is damaged, and players must use their webbing to catch it before it drops to the ground.
The end of this mission is the first glimpse of Miles Morales, recording with his cell phone with a friend. Via his texts, players learn that Jefferson Davis is his father. 
That concludes Part 7...

Friday, September 13, 2019

Spider-Man PS4 NG+ Walkthrough - Part 6

Wheels within Wheels

Players investigate a shipyard owned by Wilson Fisk that is under heavy guard by snipers. They are aware of the Inner Demons’ intention of stealing the gear stored inside.

Much of this mission is stealth, using distractions to draw guards away from snipers and sneaking up behind others.

Once the initial infiltration is complete, Spider-Man meets Jefferson Davis for the first time. Though Jefferson has a warrant, you’ll need to find a less-destructive way of entering the warehouse. Around the back of the building near the eaves is an access point via a duct. Once inside, players can drop down and use the junction box to open the door, but only after Jefferson gives Spider-Man his stun gun. This also unlocks the Electric Web for creation.

Once Jefferson is inside, use R3 in order to scan the environment for hidden conduits in order to access a hidden area. More hidden areas can be found by locating scrapes on the floor hinting at hidden doors. Once players unlock them all, they are treated to a hidden passageway in the floor. Spider-Man and Jefferson enter, making their way to the vault, but the Inner Demons beat them to it and cleaned out the room of weapons.

They discover that the Inner Demons are outside the back door, loading up vans. Spider-Man tries to stop them, but one of the vans gets away. The occupants of the other fight players. More Inner Demons show up in black cars.

The final part of the mission consists of a chase through the city as Spider-Man follows the second van. Just like the earlier pursuit with Shocker, you’ll need to dodge while in the air, but this time it is against rockets. When the van collides with a truck, Spider-Man must use his webbing to get the truck out of the way of the train. Jefferson then shows up and takes out the final Demon, but is injured in the process.

As the clean-up begins and Jefferson is placed in the ambulance, Mary Jane Watson manages to convince him to give his story to her, and they ride away in the ambulance together.

Home Sweet Home

After a hard day as Spider-Man, Peter Parker returns to his apartment, only to find that he has been evicted and his belongings removed. He has no choice but to call sanitation to figure out where the dump truck is so he can recover his possessions. The mission consists of Spider-Man swinging through the city and checking out various locations, the first of which is the sanitation department (via air ducts), the final location being the incinerator.

When he arrives, thugs are already in the area, which players have to deal with. He rescues the worker, who then allows him to dig through the trash. It is not long before he recovers a USB drive, upon which is the schematics for the Web Bomb. After constructing the Bomb, a new fight enables players to use it for the first time.

Successful, he then heads off to the apartment of Mary Jane Watson, hoping for a place to sleep. When an alert comes through showing that her story about Jefferson Davis just got published, he decides to go elsewhere, thinking she must be busy with work.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Spider-Man PS4 NG+ Walkthrough - Part 5

A Shocking Comeback

This walkthrough shows how Spider-Man can capture the Shocker, known as Herman Schultz, during web-swinging around the Chinatown. 

The Mask

Peter Parker enquires Martin Li, an expert in ancient Chinese masks, about the Demon Mask he found in Don't Touch the Art mission (Walkthrough Part 4) at F.E.A.S.T shelter. 

Day to Remember

Peter Parker realises that Dr Octavious lab has been shut down under the orders from Norman Osborn, the mayor of New York. Dr Otto suggest to Peter to find another job, working with Harry Osborn's research project since they would not have funds after this event. 

Harry's Passion Project

This first of a series of research missions introduced to Spider-Man to earn Research Tokens as rewards.