Sunday, July 17, 2022

New Suit Revealed in Spider Man PS4 Lets Play - Part 6


Hey everyone, it's Heiky and lets play the Marvel's Spider Man PS4! I will write a series of Spider Man PS4 posts which will cover the main story, side mission, backpack locations, research station missions, fisk hideouts and more. 

Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on 2018 for Playstation 4. 

We will learn more about Peter Parker's life and Spider Man's life exploring puzzle minigames, unlock new suits, advanced impact web challenge and upgrade gadgets. 

This game is the best in the Spider Man series as we play and interact in an open world environment in Manhattan New York City. 

Before we go on, if you've missed the first blog post you can read it here:

Side Mission | Spider-Men

Seeing cosplays in Marvel's comics and other animes is nothing new in this world. The Spider-Men side mission is no different either. You'll unlock this side mission after completing The Mask main story mission. 

First,  head to the shop keeper in Harlem who starts to thank you for saving his daughter earlier. You'll be puzzled and wonder that turns out that it was other people that saved her.  Head straight to June Kraus Theatre to find some clues. 

Swinging around in Harlem gives that Arkham vibes, dark and foggy surrounded by tall apartments. 

The first clue is discovered after talking to the girl, head out to where the fire is and inspect them. You'll notice that people around you starts appreciating for your bravery and become even more confused thereafter. Inspecting the fire escape by scanning on the crime scene and solving puzzle minigame gives that extra touch of joy playing Spiderman PS4. 

You will discover a chemical trail which you will follow around the city. Leading you to the top of a building, interacting with injured enemies and only to find out that the Spider-Men impersonator is on the other side of the building.

Chase him to an enemy's hideout at a construction site. Reminds me of another FISK hideout. Take the enemies down like you would do on any FISK hideouts using impact web gadgets against the walls. Yank the snipers weapon to take him down swiftly while dodging from their shots. You've completed this side mission once you take down all the enemies. 

Side Mission | Cat's Cradle

You'll unlock this side mission after collecting all mascots in Black Cat Stakeout missions. Part 6 covers the remaining stakeout locations from Harlem, Upper West Side, Upper East Side, Hell's Kitchen, Midtown, Chinatown and Financial District. 

Brush up your photography skills on this one as you will need to sense where each of the cat mascots are located on different locations. After all, Peter Parker was a journalist for Daily Bugle under J. Jonah Jameson.

Spiderman uses these pictures to figure out the algorithm which brings the side mission "Cat's Cradle". Swing by to her hideout location underneath like an underground. 

Inside her hideout, Spiderman discovers financial data on the Maggia crime families, and art stolen from Wilson Fisk. Realizing that her true intention were much bigger, worth $50 million worth of loot for retrieving her items. 

Complete this mission and you will be rewarded with the Dark suit. 

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