Sunday, July 24, 2022

Hidden Agenda Spider Man PS4 Lets Play - Part 7


Hey everyone, it's Heiky and lets play the Marvel's Spider Man PS4! I will write a series of Spider Man PS4 posts which will cover the main story, side mission, backpack locations, research station missions, fisk hideouts and more. 

Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on 2018 for Playstation 4. 

We will learn more about Peter Parker's life and Spider Man's life exploring puzzle minigames, unlock new suits, advanced impact web challenge and upgrade gadgets. 

This game is the best in the Spider Man series as we play and interact in an open world environment in Manhattan New York City. 

Before we go on, if you've missed the first blog post you can read it here:

Main Story | Dual Purpose

Location: Recycling Center, Hell's Kitchen
Reward: 3,000 XP

Spiderman continues his pursuit in Part 7 on PS4 looking for more evidences on Martin Li. Spidey needs to investigate two buildings to uncover Li's true intention. 

First of, he explores the recycling center, finding ways to get into the building while taking down the Demons stealthly using Perch Takedowns. As he enters the building,  he explores the blueprints of Osbourne's campaigne, discovers the Trip Mine gadget and explosives which gives a clue to the next building at Consolidated Shipping. The best part is that you can now use a new gadget for the next mission. 

Immediately Spiderman heads off to the Consolidated Shipping location, web swinging and web zipping along the narrow landscape of the Hell's Kitchen. As you arrived on top of the vantage point, time to use the new Trip Mine gadget on the enemies then takedown the remaining enemies before sneaking into the office. Explore the interactable Martin Li's blueprints to unlock the Demon Warehouses minigame for Base Tokens rewards in New York City. 

Head outside of the office then takedown the last few Demons. Use the Electric Web to stun the Demon enemy with octopus hands and Web Blossom to take down the remaining enemies. 

Main Story | Hidden Agenda

Location: F.E.A.S.T, Chinatown
Reward: 3,000 XP

Head to the top of the F.E.A.S.T. building to switch to Peter Parker mode. Inside the building, you can start by sweeping up meeses outside the kitchen by the stairs, in the cafeteria in the corner and up by the Martin Li's office. 

Then, after finding out that Li's office is locked. Look for an accessible ventilation to web-zipped into it. Crawl through the ventilation while appying electric web on junction box to short out electrical wires.

Inside Martin Li's office, explore his ghost story book, a portrait frame and a diary on his desk to take the key. Solve the Puzzle Lock as matched in the portrait to unlock a hidden room. 

Then explore Martin Li's hidden room on his Demons weapons, Oscorp's origins clips, birth of Harry clips and the death of Emily Osborn clips. As you about to leave the room, it triggers the trap that electrifies the entire room. Use your web-zipped to search for a junction box and apply the electric web to undone the eletric trap. 

Head outside to start the cutscene.  

Another day in the world of Spider Man playthrough on PS4. Hope you've enjoyed this Marvel adventure, a wonderful game in my opinion. What do you make of Spider Man's role in this Part of the series? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to check out my Youtube channel for more Spider Man PS4 content.  

Thank you and have a good day!

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