Sunday, June 19, 2022

Marvel's Spider Man PS4 Lets Play - Part 2


Hey there, it's Heiky and lets play the Marvel's Spider Man PS4! I will write a series of Spider Man PS4 posts which will cover the main story, side mission, backpack locations, research station missions, Fisk hideouts and more. 

Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 developed by Insomniac Games and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment on 2018 for Playstation 4. 

We will learn more about Peter Parker's life and Spider Man's life exploring puzzle minigames, unlock new suits, advanced impact web challenge and upgrade gadgets. 

This game is the best in the Spider Man series as we play and interact in an open world environment in Manhattan New York City. 

Before we go on, if you've missed the first blog post you can read it here: 

Main Story | FISK Hideout

The first enemy's hideout, Fisk Hideout, and how exciting it is! Following-up from Fisk capture in Part 1. He left his hideouts around the New York City to make sure his operations run smoothly. The first stop for Spiderman is at Greenwich. He gets to experiment new gadgets with the advanced impact web on the Fisk enemies. You'll have to take down all the enemies for 6 waves in the Fisk Hideout to complete this mission. 

Main Story | For She's a Jolly Good Fellow

After battling the first Fisk Hideout, Spiderman heads to the F.E.A.S.T, dressed as Peter Parker to meet aunt May. The cutscene begins explaining this main story. 

Minigame | Spatial Mapping

As Peter Parker, solving Dr Ock's puzzles in one of the Spiderman PS4 minigames. Taking the anti-clockwise route to allow the electric flows from the power source to the end point.

Minigame | Balance Compensation

The next puzzle minigame, take the clockwise route for the electric to flow from the power source to the end point. A straight forward puzzle with minimum adjustments on the voltages. 

Minigame | Power Efficiency

The last puzzle minigame for Part 2 requires you to take the anti-clockwise route from the source to the end point. Adjusting the voltages to its equilibrium is challenge for this part. 

Minigame | Spectograph Projects

Another minigame in Dr Octavious's office for Peter Parker to play his part in supporting Dr Ock's science project. In Part 2, Peter must match the patterns in this minigame to reach balance in bio-chemistry of Dr Ock's project. Simply so that the research science project does not go haywire. The minigame covers L37, X23, B62 and V13. 

Another day in the world of Spider Man playthrough on PS4. Hope you've enjoyed this Marvel adventure, a wonderful game in my opinion. What do you make of Spider Man's role in this part of the series? Let me know in the comments below and be sure to check out my Youtube channel for more Spider Man PS4 content.  

Thank you and have a good day!

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